Father & Daughter
As far as we know, this is the first of its kind. A REAL-LIFE father spanks his REAL-LIFE daughter on video! 30-something Brianna is spanked hard by her 50-something father Hank. She gets 3 different spankings: by hand, belt and paddle. Hank spanks her for 3 real-life events that she’s in trouble for. Hank actually BREAKS 2 different paddles across Brianna’s poor bottom. This is reality TV put on a spanking video! Brianna is definitely better-behaved by the end of the video. Brianna has gotten lots of hard spankings from us over the past few years, but none as hard as the one she gets from her real-life father. (M-F, 2006, length 29:19, 398 MB, $19.99)

Link to this video → https://amateurspankings.com/videos/1048/father-and-daughter