Lux Learns A Lesson
Lux's bottom gets worked over with a ping pong paddle because she has been growing weed in her backyard. (M-F, 2018, length 2:59, 177 MB, $4.99)

Lux Spanked With A Fly Swatter
Lux gets her bottom reddened with a very stingy fly swatter for not sticking with her plan to quit smoking. (M-F, 2018, length 2:38, 157 MB, $4.99)

Lux's English Essay
As punishment for not yet writing her English essay, Lux gets spanked with a yardstick. First it's over her leopard print pants, then over her �Sorry I'm Fabulous� underwear, then on her bare bottom. (M-F, 2018, length 4:15, 253 MB, $4.99)

Lux Takes The Car
Lux takes the car without telling anyone. So people think it has been stolen. She is taught a lesson about being responsible with a belt across her tight jeans, then underwear, then bare bottom. (M-F, 2018, length 3:59, 237 MB, $4.99)

Lux Caught Smoking
Lux is made to go upstairs and bend over the bed for a bare butt belt whipping after she is caught smoking. (M-F, 2017, length 4:11, 249 MB, $4.99)

Lux Over A Barstool
To teach her a lesson about disappearing and not staying in touch, Lux is made to bend over a barstool for a paddling. (M-F, 2017, length 4:22, 260 MB, $4.99)

Lux Spanked With A Wooden Spoon
Lux shows up late when she is supposed to be in the kitchen preparing food for guests. So she gets a spanking with a wooden spoon! (M-F, 2017, length 3:49, 228 MB, $4.99)

Lux Over The Knee
Lux gets a good over-the-knee spanking for not looking hard enough for a job. (M-F, 2017, length 4:37, 275 MB, $4.99)

Lux Gets Ten Swats
Lux gets 10 hard licks with a paddle. First it's over her jeans, then her underwear and lastly on her bare bottom. (M-F, 2016, length 3:17, 87 MB, $4.99)

Lux Sneaking Out
Lux gets the belt across her butt for sneaking out after she's already been in trouble. (M-F, 2016, length 3:27, 92 MB, $4.99)

Lux Spanked With A Big Paddle
As punishment for taking her boyfriend's truck without asking, Lux gets spanked with a paddle ball-type of paddle. It only takes a few swats to get her bottom beet red. (M-F, 2015, length 3:40, 84 MB, $4.99)

Paddled At School 12
It's another chapter of our popular “Paddled At School” series. These are realistic school paddling scenes, acted out just like a real US school spanking. Here, you'll see the girls check out their just-paddled butts afterward in privacy. There are 9 new scenes, with the girls being paddled for everything from talking back to the teacher, to not doing homework, to smoking. These girls get paddled: Stevie, Shayla (a 2nd trip to the office!), Kadie, Christy, Lux, Lacy, Natalie, Devon and Eli. (M-F, 2015, length 37:54, 2200 MB, $19.99)

Lux Dressed Inappropriately
Lux tries to leave the house without being noticed. Her skirt is way too short to be out in public. She is taught a lesson with a hand spanking and a belt spanking. (M-F, 2015, length 4:20, 84 MB, $4.99)

Lux Gets The Hairbrush
Lux is made to pull down her pants and lie across the couch for a spanking with a hairbrush. She has not paid her phone bill. (M-F, 2014, length 3:42, 71 MB, $4.99)

Lux Spanked For Fighting
Lux has been fighting with her friend. As punishment, she is spanked with a belt on her jeans, then panties and lastly on her sexy bare bottom. (M-F, 2014, length 4:01, 77 MB, $4.99)

Lux Gets Paddled
Lux gets a good dose of the paddle because she had been entertaining thoughts of stripping for money. (M-F, 2014, length 4:34, 88 MB, $4.99)