Sunny Interview
"Hi. I'm Sunny. I love doing crazy things and this is certainly crazy. I got spanked a lot when I was growing up, but I never dreamed I'd get it done on-camera!" From the Interviewer: Sunny is a fun Dallas girl originally from Louisiana. She now works in an office all day. And she has lots of great stories. Hear Sunny talk about her sister being paid by a guy to let him spank her. Sunny also talks about the many spankings she got being 1 of 9 kids growing up. Sunny tells a story about her nanny spanking her on the bare bottom 30 times with a wooden shingle for pushing a clock down. She also talks about being spanked by her principal and with her mother's shoe. Sunny then pulls down her jeans and panties and gets spanked for the camera. (M-F, 2004, length 18:05, 298 MB, $14.99)