Heather's Dress Code
Heather got spanked at school for violating the dress code. So she gets spanked again at home, twice, including by Paige. (M-F & F-F, 2007, length 6:23, 59 MB, $4.99)

Kaye Gets The Yardstick
Kaye gets the yardstick across her bottom for losing a bet to Paully. (M-F, 2007, length 3:14, 47 MB, $4.99)

Amber And Paige
Paige paddles Amber for taking money from Tom's wallet. Then Tom finds out what happened and paddles both of them. (F-F & M-FF, 2007, length 8:49, 127 MB, $9.99)

Amber Belted Outdoors
Amber gets the belt from Paully for flashing in the park. (M-F, 2007, length 4:30, 138 MB, $4.99)

Lisa Spanked Outdoors
Tom takes his belt to Lisa for doing too much text messaging. (M-F, 2007, length 1:27, 29 MB, $4.99)

Amie's Birthday Spanking
25 swats with a paint stick plus 1 to grow on for Amie. (M-F, 2007, length 3:28, 55 MB, $4.99)

Marie Spanked By Samara
Marie gets paddled by her friend for continually making them late. (F-F, 2007, length 2:31, 29 MB, $4.99)

Megan M Wrecks The Car
Megan M gets her bottom warmed with a belt for not paying attention when she drives. (M-F, 2007, length 3:03, 38 MB, $4.99)

Ashlynn Misses Class
Ashlynn is paddled by Paully for continuing to miss her biology class. (M-F, 2007, length 4:34, 63 MB, $4.99)

Leigh Interview
"Hi. I'm Leigh. I found out about this site from MySpankingForum.com." From the Interviewer: Leigh is a 25-year-old from Oklahoma who is very much into the spanking fetish. You might recognize her from MySpankingForum or some of the other internet spanking community sites as "Cajun Cutie." Leigh is a banquet captain at a country club and enjoys playing soccer. Hear Leigh talk about getting spanked with a paddle ball paddle by her mom for breaking a window at church. She had just had a spanking session with a friend the night before this was shot. Leigh gets spanked on-camera with her own belt! (M-F, 2007, length 11:29, 142 MB, $9.99)

Alana Interview
"Hi. I'm Alana. I just moved to Texas and my friend Kaye told me about this site. I decided to try it because it's different." From the Interviewer: Alana is a 20-something friend of Kaye's. She is originally from Louisiana. Alana waits tables now, but has also worked at hotel front desks. She enjoys playing Texas Hold-'Em. Before this, the only modeling she'd done was as a child model. Alana was spanked a lot when she was growing up. You'll hear her talk about being spanked by her dad for not taking a nap. She couldn't sit for a couple of days. Alana also talks about being paddled in middle school for fighting. She then gets spanked on-camera by Kaye! (F-F, 2007, length 11:02, 110 MB, $9.99)

Elaine Interview
"Hi. I'm Elaine. I've done a toy fetish video, so I thought I'd do this too. I hope you enjoy!" From the Interviewer: Elaine was referred to us by her friend Megan Marshall. She is 20-something and lives in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. Elaine is a wedding co-ordinator. Hear her talk about running away to see a much older man when she was a teen. Her father found out and wore her bare butt out with his belt. Elaine was also spanked by her friend's mother at the same time! She also talks about being paddled by the principal and vice-principal for putting a peanut butter cup in a teacher's chair. Elaine is quite a character and you get to watch her get spanked on her panties, then on her bare bottom. (M-F, 2007, length 11:57, 134 MB, $9.99)

Megan M Interview
Hi. I'm Megan Marshall. I'm a Texas country girl and thought I'd give this a try! From the Interviewer: Megan M is an East Texas girl who is into farming. She loves animals and raises goats. She likes to lie out naked in her private yard. Hear Megan M talk about being held up by her feet and spanked by her uncle. She also talks about her dad using the belt on her for drinking beer. Then you'll see Megan M spanked on her jeans, panties and bare bottom. (M-F, 2007, length 10:07, 131 MB, $9.99)

Marie Interview
"Hi. I'm Marie. My friend saw an ad for this website, so I decided to try it out." From the Interviewer: Marie is an Indiana girl who now lives in Texas. She's a mom, but still likes to party. Hear Marie talk about being paddled by her dad for stealing a pack of gum. She also talks about how her "ex" used to spank her. You'll then see Marie get the belt, first over her tight jeans, then on her panties and finally on the bare bottom. (M-F, 2007, length 8:48, 86 MB, $9.99)

Kaci Interview
"Hi. I'm Kaci. I've done some modeling, but nothing ever like this!" From the Interviewer: Kaci is a 26-year-old Texan who found about us from her cousin. She is a very pretty redhead who is an administrative assistant. She's a student and likes to spend time with her dog. Hear Kaci talk about when she was 14 and took the family car out for a drive. Her dad broke a boat oar across her bottom. She had marks on her butt for 2 weeks! Kaci also talks about being spanked by her mom. Kaci is then spanked while in her schoolgirl skirt and you get to watch! (M-F, 2007, length 10:28, 116 MB, $9.99)

Blaze Interview
"Hi. I'm Blaze. I've done some swinger videos, but this is different than that! Hope you enjoy watching." From the Interviewer: Blaze is a 30-something, married Texas girl. She's a tall, sexy redhead who has been doing various odd jobs. Hear Blaze talk about being spanked by her dad with a fly swatter for not getting on a bus. She also talks about being paddled at school for not taking a nap. Blaze then gets the belt across her bottom on camera. (M-F, 2007, length 11:18, 113 MB, $9.99)