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Veronica Interview

"Hi, I'm Veronica. My friend Lisa told me about this website and that it's all about fun and enjoying yourself. So I tried doing this video for something different and interesting! It certainly beats working as a waitress, which is what I do." From the Interviewer: Veronica is a light-skinned redhead who is also into the Goth community. In her interview, she tells about how her dad was a very strict discipliarian. Hear her talk about a really bad spanking she got with the belt for breaking a ceiling fan.  (M-F, 2002, length 16:47, 161 MB, $14.99)

Tags:  veronica, interview, hand

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The Fly Swatter

Anita (played by Sondra) & Emily's sexy bottoms are spanked with a flyswatter  (M-F, 2002, length 10:02, 102 MB, $9.99)

Tags:  clip, emily, sondra, fly, swatter

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Emily Is Late

No one takes a harder belting than Emily. Here she is punished for being late.  (M-F, 2002, length 12:02, 291 MB, $14.99)

Tags:  emily, clip, belt

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Emily Is Paddled

Emily gets paddled hard for oversleeping, which caused her to lose a job.  (M-F, 2002, length 8:37, 181 MB, $9.99)

Tags:  emily, paddled, clip, paddle

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Emily's Belt Bruising

THIS IS THE HARDEST BELT SPANKING ON THE INTERNET!! No hype. It's true. If there's a harder one, we certainly want to know about it. Emily is punished for slacking off all month. The belting goes on and on in all kinds of different positions. REAL TEARS! The belting is so realistic, she is brought to tears. After a long belt spanking, we show her bottom the next day and she's then spanked again with 10 licks of a wooden spoon on top of her bruises! Emily's bottom was still bruised one week after this video was shot. You won't be disappointed!  (M-F, 2002, length 45:48, 641 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  emily, belt, bruising, dvd, wooden, spoon

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Paddled At School 3

Real girls get paddled in realistic school-type scenes. They then rub their bare bottoms afterward. This video has 6 girls who have not appeared in a "Paddled At School" video before. Each girl gets 3 licks apiece, except for Kelly, who gets more.  (M-F, 2002, length 29:32, 463 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  paddled, school, dvd, jennifer, julie, kelly, christie, diane, emily, paddle

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The Plastic Rod

We got the idea for this video from one of our customers who suggested that we start using a white plastic rod that you can find in Lowe's. What a great suggestion! Two different girls receive the plastic rod in this video. Val is overextended and is punished with 25 licks. Then Samantha is caught drinking on her private school's property. Her dad asks the school counselor to use the plastic rod on her. After a hand-spanking, that's exactly what happens. We originally shot a longer version of this as a custom video for a British customer. You'll like the result. The plastic rod does a nice job of striping and welting these 2 cute bottoms.  (M-F, 2002, length 34:54, 689 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  plastic, rod, dvd, val, amie, samantha

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Outdoor Switchings

First, daughters Christie and Julie return home from being out drinking with a fake I.D. Both are made to strip naked, sent to the backyard and made to cut a switch that they are then spanked with. Then, Maria arrives home late from being out with the girls. Her boyfriend makes her cut a switch, then uses it over her denim shorts. Maria then gets it again with the paddle, hand and belt. Nice welts show up on Maria’s bare bottom.  (M-F, 2001, length 36:29, 625 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  outdoor, switchings, dvd, christie, julie, maria, switch, paddle, hand, belt

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Paddled Hard 2

Our first "Paddled Hard" video was so popular that we did a second one. This is just 4 hard paddlings of 4 cute girls. The paddlings are for various offenses, like smoking and reckless driving. All 4 girls end up with very red bottoms. A must-have for fans of the wooden paddle.  (M-F, 2001, length 37:11, 660 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  paddled, dvd, emily, rachelle, sally, paddle

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Hairbrush Spankings

This video is devoted entirely to the use of the hairbrush. 3 different scenes: Scene 1 has Julie getting the brush for stealing $50 from her mother’s purse. Scene 2 has one of our most popular girls, Ginger, getting a very hard hairbrushing. Then Scene 3 has mom blistering daughter Samantha’s cute little bottom.  (M-F, 2001, length 33:13, 506 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  hairbrush, spankings, dvd, julie, ginger, amie, samantha, val

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Red Bottomed Redhead

The young redhead Amie keeps getting into trouble. She is skipping classes at school. This time, she is spanked by hand, paddle and a very stinging plastic rod. Her bottom turns as red as her hair and her shirt! Amie is very cute with a very tight little butt. We've had lots of requests to bring her back because she reddens so well. ADDED SPECIAL BONUS CLIP...One of our most popular girls, Renee, gets 5 hard swats with the paddle over her tight Wranglers.  (M-F, 2001, length 33:00, 684 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  bottomed, redhead, dvd, amie, renee, hand, paddle, plastic, rod, spatula

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Jennifer Interview

"Hi. I'm Jennifer. I never thought in a million years that I'd be doing spanking videos with my mom. She spanked me enough when I was a kid! I talk about those spankings on this video. And I get spanked too!" From the Interviewer: Jennifer was referred to us by her MOTHER. Yes, her real-life mom, Val, sent Jennifer our way. She felt like Jennifer needed a good hard spanking. Jennifer talks about being spanked by Val, her dad and at school when she was growing up. One story you'll enjoy is how Jennifer was spanked by Val with her wooden Six Flags paddle! You'll see this very attractive blonde get her bottomed warmed after the interview.  (M-F, 2001, length 15:11, 148 MB, $14.99)

Tags:  jennifer, interview, hand

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Christie Interview

"Hi. This is Christie. I've always been the "good girl." I got good grades and was a tomboy. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this." From the Interviewer: Christie is an Ohio girl referred to us by her friend Julie, who also does videos for Amateur Spankings. If you've ever wanted to see a 4.0 student get a spanking, this is it. Christie got a lot of spankings growing up and you'll hear about them. She then gets spanked by hand and paddle.  (M-F, 2001, length 15:08, 156 MB, $14.99)

Tags:  christie, interview, hand

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Emily Interview

"Hi. I'm Emily. I grew up getting spanked by my mom just about every day! So I guess that experience helped me do this video. I'm glad it paid off for something! This video reminded me of old times." From the Interviewer: Emily is very popular among spankos on the internet. This is her first-ever spanking video and the only one where she is a brunette! She's very expressive and nervous. Emily talks about getting paddled in a rural Kansas school. She also details hard spankings she got from her very strict mother. See why everyone loves Emily!  (M-F, 2001, length 21:32, 397 MB, $14.99)

Tags:  emily, interview, hand

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Diane Interview

"Hi. My name is Diane. My sales clerk job is really boring, so my friend Val told me about this website, where you talk about spankings and get spanked too. I hope you enjoy mine!" From the Interviewer: Diane is a 30-something Dallas sales clerk with a great bottom. She has lots of spanking stories to tell. Diane talks about getting the razor strap from her dad for breaking glass. She also discusses being spanked at school and being spanked with a house shoe by her mom! To remind her of old times, she gets spanked on-camera afterward.  (M-F, 2001, length 36:43, 1340 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  diane, interview, african-american, hand

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Mother & Daughter

As far as we know, this is a first. A REAL LIFE mother and daughter in a spanking video! Val tells her boyfriend how upset she is with her daughter Jennifer, because she has caught Jennifer drinking. She asks the boyfriend to discipline Jennifer with a spanking, but while being spanked, Jennifer blurts out that her mom has also been drinking too much. The boyfriend decides that as punishment for selling out her daughter, Val should be spanked by her daughter!  (M-F, 2001, length 31:48, 518 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  mother, daughter, dvd, val, jennifer, hand, paddle, belt

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1118 videos
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