1118 videos
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Denise's Homework

Denise gets spanked with the little girl paddle for not doing her homework.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:00, 55 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  denise, homework, clip, hispanic, paddle

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Tiffany Turns 20

20 swats plus 1 to grow on help Tiffany celebrate her birthday.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:15, 74 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  tiffany, clip, paddle

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Amber And Amie

Amber & Amie get spanked with the big paddle for shopping too much.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:35, 91 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amber, amie, clip, paddle

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Amber On Halloween

Amber is spanked in her 1950's Halloween costume. Did they have panties like these in the 50's?  (M-F, 2006, length 3:30, 52 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amber, halloween, clip, tom, hand, wooden, spoon

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Amber On The Forum

Amber gets spanked for being on MySpankingForum.com and not in bed.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:04, 79 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amber, forum, clip, tom, hand, belt

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Amber's Military Spanking

An officer spanks Amber for partying too late.  (M-F, 2006, length 6:10, 92 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amber, military, spanking, clip, hand

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Amie Checks In

For the first time in 4 years, Amie comes back for a spanking. To welcome her, she gets 10 swats with the paddle.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:51, 77 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amie, clip, paddle

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Mae's Chores

Mae gets spanked as a reminder to do her chores.  (M-F, 2006, length 3:29, 52 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  mae, clip, paddle

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Amie Skips School

Amie sleeps through school and gets a whipping with the belt.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:49, 67 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amie, skips, school, clip, belt

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Mom Gives Birthday Spanking

Lucy gives her real-life daughter Brooke a 28th birthday spanking.  (F-F, 2006, length 4:11, 55 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  mom, spanking, clip, brooke, lucy, paddle

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Paige Spanks Heather

Heather fakes being sick so she doesn't have to take a test. So Paige wears her bottom out with a hairbrush.  (F-F, 2006, length 7:34, 100 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  paige, heather, spanks, clip, hairbrush

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Piper's Older Boyfriend

19-year-old Piper has a 47-year-old boyfriend. She has not told her parents yet. So she gets her bottom whipped with the belt.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:00, 48 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  piper, older, boyfriend, clip, belt

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Cassie Gets The Spatula

Cassie's boyfriend sends her for a spanking. So her bottom gets punished with a spatula.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:38, 78 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  cassie, spatula, clip

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Courtney's Car

Courtney gets a good dose of the belt for not changing the oil in her car.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:16, 53 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  courtney, clip, belt

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Danielle Turns 27

It's turning into a tradition. Danielle gets her cute bottom paddled on her birthday again. This time it's with a plastic paddle.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:50, 67 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  danielle, clip, paddle

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Tina's 10 Swats

Tina gets 10 hard swats with a big plastic paddle for leaving without telling anyone.  (M-F, 2006, length 2:49, 31 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  tina, swats, clip, paddle

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1118 videos
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