Heather's Bad Grades
Heather gets a good OTK spanking from Paige for having bad grades. (F-F, 2006, length 7:46, 117 MB, $9.99)

Amanda And Danielle
Amanda & Danielle get their bottoms warmed with a belt for not taking care of the pet bird. (M-F, 2006, length 5:13, 68 MB, $4.99)

Amber At The Convention
Amber shows the after-effects of being at the Shadow Lane convention. (M-F, 2006, length 3:15, 56 MB, $4.99)

Amber Gets The Belt
Amber gets the belt for oversleeping and being late to work. (M-F, 2006, length 5:17, 85 MB, $4.99)

Amber Overpays
Amber way overpays for a DVD on the internet. To teach her a lesson, she gets paddled. (M-F, 2006, length 5:00, 70 MB, $4.99)

Megan's Birthday Spanking
24 is the magic number. Plus one to grow on! (M-F, 2006, length 4:27, 60 MB, $4.99)

Molly's Cable Bill
Molly went shopping instead of paying the cable bill. She gets taught a lesson with a paddling. (M-F, 2006, length 4:25, 59 MB, $4.99)

Heidi Interview
"Hi. I'm Heidi. I saw an ad for this, so I drove to Dallas from East Texas to check it out. I hope you enjoy!" From the Interviewer: Heidi is a Texas girl, originally from Kansas. She bartends once in awhile and also does massage. Hear Heidi talk about hanging out at an all-boys school and hazing one of the boys by paddling him. Her dad found out about it and paddled Heidi in return. She also talks about getting it with a belt from her dad. Plus, Heidi tells a story about her mom using a curtain rod on her for fighting with her sister. She then bares her bottom on-camera for a spanking. (M-F, 2006, length 10:06, 103 MB, $9.99)

Lilly Interview
"Hi. I'm Lilly. My friend Kitty told me about this site, so here I am. I hope you like my story." From the Interviewer: Lilly is a Houston real estate agent who is into the spanking scene there. Hear Lilly talk about being spanked with her younger sister by their stepdad with his belt. She had a hard time explaining the bruises in gym class. Lilly also talks about being paddled in school for running in the cafeteria. She then got spanked at home for the same offense. She and Kitty like to spank each other, but here you get to see her spanked solo! (M-F, 2006, length 10:44, 111 MB, $9.99)

Marijean Interview
"Hi. I'm Marijean. My friends Heidi and Piper talked me into doing this!" From the Interviewer: Marijean in a 25-year-old native Texan who is in school studying to be a legal assistant. She works at a call center for vacations. Marijean had never been spanked and was pretty nervous about doing this, but we think you'll like it. Her friend Heidi had swatted her a few times, but nothing serious. Hear Marijean talk about mooning some people at a birthday party, which is the only previous time she'd ever shown her butt in public. She is "de-virginized" right here on camera for you to see! (M-F, 2006, length 6:16, 55 MB, $9.99)

Molly Interview
"Hi. I'm Molly. I'm between jobs right now. I saw an ad for this and thought I'd give it a try." From the Interviewer: Molly is a 20-something customer support rep who is looking for extra work. She had never done anything like this at all...no modeling...nothing. Molly was spanked a lot while she was growing up in Louisiana. Hear her talk about a particularly bad spanking she got from her mom with a belt. She and her sister both got it. She also talks about being spanked by her step dad with his hand. Molly has nice long legs and a very cute bottom, which is spanked with her panties on, then off. (M-F, 2006, length 11:52, 130 MB, $9.99)

Piper Interview
"Hi. I'm Piper. I got plenty of spankings growing up since I am a preacher's daughter.� From the Interviewer: Piper is a 19-year-old cutie who was told about us by her friend Heidi. She's originally from Mississippi. She has worked in construction and in a bowling alley. Hear Piper tell a great story about sneaking out and having sex with her boyfriend just after her 14th birthday. A cop who went to her dad's church caught her and took her home, where she got a good spanking with the belt from her daddy. She then gets her perfect little bottom reddened on-camera for you to watch. (M-F, 2006, length 9:53, 92 MB, $9.99)

Roxy Interview
"Hi. I'm Roxy. Before this, the craziest thing I'd done was a "Girls Gone Wild" video." From the Interviewer: Roxy is a very sexy 22-year-old Texas blonde who is a lingerie model. It's easy to see why! She is attending nursing school. Hear Roxy talk about being spanked by her step dad for having a smart mouth. Then see her bare her great bottom for a spanking from us. (M-F, 2006, length 9:19, 111 MB, $9.99)

Ally Interview
"Hi. I'm Ally. I got a she-devil tattoo on my butt when I was 17 to be rebellious, so I thought this would be a good chance to show it off!" From the Interviewer: Ally is a 27-year-old hair stylist from Texas. She did this for some extra cash. Hear Ally talk about her dad making her pick out one of his belts to spank her with. She also talks about getting 3 swats from the principal in middle school. Ally gets spanked on her panties, then on her bare bottom. (M-F, 2006, length 12:46, 143 MB, $9.99)

Crystal Interview
"Hi. I'm Crystal. My friend Amanda talked me into doing this and getting spanked on camera!" From the Interviewer: Crystal is a 22-year-old Texas girl who is currently looking for work. She likes to fish! When was the last time you heard a 22-year-old girl say that? Hear Crystal talk about being spanked by her mom with her hand and the belt for fighting with her brother. Crystal is a bit modest, but does pull down her jeans and panties to be spanked by her friend Amanda! (F-F, 2006, length 8:29, 81 MB, $9.99)

Denise Interview
"Hi. I'm Denise. The only modeling I've done before is posing with Corvettes, so I thought I'd do this." From the Interviewer: Denise is a very attractive 19-year-old Mexican girl who was raised in foster homes in Texas. She likes to write poems and draw. Denise got in trouble a lot when she was growing up. Hear her talk about her mom paddling her bare butt until she couldn't sit down. She then lifts up her dress, lowers her panties and gets a good spanking for you to watch. (M-F, 2006, length 9:13, 120 MB, $9.99)