1118 videos
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Denise Interview

"Hi. I'm Denise. The only modeling I've done before is posing with Corvettes, so I thought I'd do this." From the Interviewer: Denise is a very attractive 19-year-old Mexican girl who was raised in foster homes in Texas. She likes to write poems and draw. Denise got in trouble a lot when she was growing up. Hear her talk about her mom paddling her bare butt until she couldn't sit down. She then lifts up her dress, lowers her panties and gets a good spanking for you to watch.  (M-F, 2006, length 9:13, 120 MB, $9.99)

Tags:  denise, interview, hispanic, hand

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Father & Daughter

As far as we know, this is the first of its kind. A REAL-LIFE father spanks his REAL-LIFE daughter on video! 30-something Brianna is spanked hard by her 50-something father Hank. She gets 3 different spankings: by hand, belt and paddle. Hank spanks her for 3 real-life events that she’s in trouble for. Hank actually BREAKS 2 different paddles across Brianna’s poor bottom. This is reality TV put on a spanking video! Brianna is definitely better-behaved by the end of the video. Brianna has gotten lots of hard spankings from us over the past few years, but none as hard as the one she gets from her real-life father.  (M-F, 2006, length 29:19, 398 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  father, daughter, dvd, brianna, hank, hand, belt, paddle

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Strapped Brooke

Brooke has been late on her rent again and it’s time to teach her a good lesson. She gets worn out with a leather razor strap. This video is nothing but hard spanking and strapping action across Brooke’s sexy butt for 30 minutes. She is strapped until her attitude makes a dramatic change. Brooke ends up with a glowing red and bruised bottom. If you like hard strappings with a razor strap, you’ll love this video.  (M-F, 2006, length 32:05, 542 MB, $19.99)

Tags:  brooke, strapped, dvd, strap

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Carl Spanks Ava

Ava gets spanked OTK with a flyswatter by our customer Carl.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:07, 54 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  carl, ava, spanks, clip, fly, swatter

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Della And LeAnn

Della has not found a job. So her friend LeAnn sends her for a spanking. Then, LeAnn steps in and spanks Della herself.  (M-F & F-F, 2006, length 2:56, 36 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  della, leann, clip, hand

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Whipped Whitney

Whitney gets whipped with the belt after coming in from the pool late.  (M-F, 2006, length 3:23, 38 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  whitney, whipped, clip, belt

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Emma Gets Switched

Emma has to go in the backyard, get a switch and get it ready. She then gets her bottom stung with it.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:10, 117 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  emma, switched, clip, switch

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Emma Paddled Outside

Emma is made to go in the garage, get the paddle, bring it out and get 10 swats with it.  (M-F, 2006, length 4:08, 76 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  emma, paddled, clip, paddle

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Heather Spanked For Stealing

Heather gets a spanking for stealing photo paper from the store.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:54, 85 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  heather, spanked, clip, hand, belt

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Kitty On The Patio

Kitty is sent out to the patio for a whipping with the belt for running up a credit card.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:45, 109 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  kitty, patio, clip, belt

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Amanda With No Job

Amanda gets her little butt worn out with the belt for not having a job.  (M-F, 2006, length 3:46, 51 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  amanda, clip, belt

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Lexi OTK

Lexi is in trouble for having yet another ticket. She gets a good OTK spanking. Plus she bends over the couch for a few smacks too.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:31, 66 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  lexi, otk, clip, hand

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Lexi's Inspection Sticker

Lexi's inspection sticker on her car was a year overdue! She gets 10 swats with a paddle to teach her a lesson.  (M-F, 2006, length 3:13, 80 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  lexi, inspection, sticker, clip, paddle

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Kitty Interview

Hi. I'm Kitty. I've been trying to hook up to do this for 3 years and am finally doing it. I hope you enjoy!" From the Interviewer: Kitty was first referred to us 3 years ago and we finally got her in to bare her bottom. She lives in Houston, is going to school and working as an office manager. Kitty has played around with spanking a lot as an adult, but was treated as a "princess" growing up. She talks about being spanked so hard by a mentor that it made her cry. Kitty then gets a spanking on her pink panties and on her bare bottom. She says "thank you" after her spanking.  (M-F, 2006, length 8:20, 101 MB, $9.99)

Tags:  kitty, interview, hand

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Emma's Spankings

This is a first for us. We brought Emma back for a follow-up because she has another couple of great real-life stories. Emma tells a story about being switched hard by her babysitter. She had to pick a switch and pull her panties down in the yard! She also talks about being spanked by her great grandfather with a leather strap. Then Emma bares her bottom to show the "damage" from a Dallas spanking party she attended the night before. This is real-life action you're sure to enjoy!  (M-F, 2006, length 6:42, 73 MB, $9.99)

Tags:  emma, spankings, interview, hand

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Brianna Gets Strapped

Brianna gets strapped hard for not returning her boyfriend's truck on time.  (M-F, 2006, length 5:17, 77 MB, $4.99)

Tags:  brianna, strapped, clip, strap

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1118 videos
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